True signs that summer's almost over, persimmons and pears. My children love the squishy when ripe persimmon and crunchy and drippy sweet pears. The pear trees are simply overburdened with pears. If you haven't planted pears yet, do it yesterday. They are very easy to grow, take up very little space and mine have had no disease problems (unless you count termites). They are not exactly beautiful, except in the fall when the branches are practically dragging the ground with green golden sugar bombs. Then there are a few late figs and some white scallop squash.
Pears. I have loads of traumatic childhood stories involving pears. LOL! We had several pear trees in our yard when I was a kid. I have an older brother and can't tell you how many times I got donked in the head by a flying pear. And then there were all those times we had to pick up pears out of the yard. There were always plenty of smelly rotten ones too. Blech! Oh the trauma...it's almost too much. I think I need a Chips Ahoy now. lol! Glad your pears turned out better than ours. ;)
Look at that beautiful fruit. Wow. My tress have only just gone in, I probably won't get much this year. Hopefully some raspberries and strawberries, mulberries and cape gooseberries, but next year... apples, apricots, nectaries. Maybe a pear tree next year.
Oh I love Persimmons-haven't had one in a few years. Maybe I'll have to go hunting for some! Your blog is super!!
wow that fruit look's yemmy!! save me some for when I get back form my trip =] love ya later!!
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