My very first burgundy okra.

Collard greens coming up. The more greens the merrier. There's a saying here that for each variety of greens you put in the pot you will make a new friend. Also your greens will be much tastier. I like to put carrot tops, collards, spinach, mustard, turnip, and beet greens in mine. Very healthy and very yummy. Here is the recipe I previously posted.
My four
o'clocks do not know when to bloom. They bloom at 7:00 am. My mother's on the other hand are very smart. You can almost set your watch by her beautiful swath of four
o'clocks that bloom each day, and the smell while you are sitting on the porch is just heavenly.

A little overview of the new front garden. Just imagine, there will be a comfy seating area among the roses soon.
Variegated ginger and
Mexican petunia or Katie
ruella make a wonderful pair.

Here is the coop all covered with it's loofah sponge gourd shade. The loofahs are growing huge and some are already drying out. I will do a post soon about the loofah seeds.

Pollinators love the abundance of large yellow flowers the
loofahs bloom. The vine's always filled with flying insects.

Here are my early morning chickens hoping I have some additional treats. "Sorry girls and boys, Daddy gave you your treats earlier! No more til
tomorrow." When I was younger, I always said I would "never" call my husband "Daddy" like all those old fashioned southern women.
Well it must not just be southern. My mother always called my father daddy and I do the same when I am talking with my kids. Strange how things happen. Your yard looks so great. I especially love the vine growing over the chicken yard.
Dear Respected Kristi...
After Seeing all your older post I can only to say that you are living heavenly life...Living in Paradise. If paradise exists anywhere then I can say it lies in your sweet home and all living in their must be so blessed great souls.
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