We're preparing for Hurricane Gustav, hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
Everyones nerves are on edge. But there was good news for us this morning. Gustav took a sharp left handed turn South and is jogging across the south coast of Jamaica instead of the North. That will probably shift it's path a little more westerly. We'll keep praying it hits some God forsaken unpopulated part of the coast. So, yesterday I went and picked as many pears as I could reach that were ready. I'll need a ladder to get to the tops. If you slightly bend the pear and it snaps off readily it is ripe. If hurricane Gustave hits us or is close by and sends some gusts, the pears will be knocked out of the tree. So...I figured...At least I'll get a few. We lost two of these old old trees in Katrina. These trees reportedly date back to when our property was part of Star Plantation.

Here is my
pickins'. I'll can pumpkin pear butter and pie filling. I'm thinking of you Betsy. That's my friend who loves
pumpkin pear butter. See the ready loofahs in the front?

Freshly planted cabbage bed.

The herb wheel is coming along. I have lavender, green onions, lemon thyme, thyme, oregano,
stevia, rosemary, and flowers. The dill and basil seed I planted didn't come up. Not sure why. Maybe I planted them too late?

My panther Josephine.

The Lima beans are doing nicely.

Here is a pic of the Lima beans in the front and the purple hulls in the back bed. Both are doing well.

Peppers and Parsley

Lima's again. With my pretty stakes I found on clearance for 90% off. Eight for $1.50 each!!
I am jealous that you can have a second planting as ours is almost over and we will be doing fall clean up. I love the pear tree and wow! Look at all those pears. Quite a producer. I will keep you in my prayers and hope the Gustav stays far away or better yet disappears.
I love your graden and the pic of your cat!!
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