It's just part of living here. Unbelievable rain amounts. It doesn't just drizzle, it dumps buckets and buckets of rain for days and days. Unless the pumps (those are the huge pumps they use to keep our area from becoming a lake) are running, the rain quickly fills the ditches covers the road and creeps up the hill our home is built on.
The water drains off fairly quickly once it stops raining or they turn the pumps on. Yet parts of my yard and garden keep very deep puddles until there is enough let up in the rain for the sun to either evaporate it or the water table to go down. The hot sun evaporating the water from underneath the veggies is murder on the vegetables. They get steamed right in the garden. At times the ground is completely saturated and the only place for it to drain is through the drainage ditch and into the swamp.

Before we moved here we had a composting barrel and I loved it. However, we left it for my mother in law who moved into our old house. I think this one looks so easy to do.
How is the drainage now? Looking at the pictures, I think that it needs some professional fix. If these problems are not addressed, the drainage flaws will be more apparent when the rainy season comes, and it can pose some problems to the residences nearby.
Thanks for sharing this post, Kristi. Your drainage system idea is good, especially if it can be useful to your orchard. But I must agree with Althea; it would be better if you seek some professional advice. Even though the plan was good, we should consider the interest of the others.
Darryl Iorio
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