Simple Living Permaculture Gardening and Family Life
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Path to Freedom
Ever since I was a child visiting my Grandmother in Mississippi and picking veggies out of her garden, I have been fascinated with the fact that FOOD GROWS FOR FREE!!!! It just amazed me that a little seed could be planted and the most delicious tomatoes and cucumbers would emerge. As long as you knew which pasture the "mean" bull was in, you could pick blackberries that grew along the fences and low spots in the field and eat them right away.
So what do you do if you live in the city and want to grow those delectable homegrown veggies and fruit?
These are the two lovely cabbages I picked from my garden. We are going to eat them tonight.
I can't believe there are parts of the country that already have fresh veggies in gardens. We forget about that here in the Midwest where there's still chances for snow. We did get the bikes out, so that's something.
I liked your homemade soap blog. I just got a top-loading washer today and was worried I might have to resort to Tide. You have given me hope.
I'm really enjoying your blog!! I totally agree with all you've said about finances and such.
Your list of how to save money on groceries was a timely reminder to me to get back to cooking from scratch.
I've slacked off lately...just what you said, I've been very busy... TOO busy!
Anyhow, you were an encouragement to me today and I wanted to let you know = )
I can't believe there are parts of the country that already have fresh veggies in gardens. We forget about that here in the Midwest where there's still chances for snow. We did get the bikes out, so that's something.
I liked your homemade soap blog. I just got a top-loading washer today and was worried I might have to resort to Tide. You have given me hope.
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