"I'm sorry I just don't have time." The most aggravating thing someone can say back is, "Make time!" Please tell me how to do that. Not possible. Nope! But, you can organize or budget your time (although I admit if you have children under the age of three it is mostly impossible, they are the time dictators). Time seems to slip away like those little plastic tubey things filled with gel. The only way to harness time and put it to work for me is to budget it. I do this with my money and my minutes. M&M's. I imagine little dollars running around and me organizing them and telling them where to go. Sometimes I have to line up the minutes and get them marching in the right direction as well.
After the morning routine of waking the children, dressing them, feeding them and sending them away to either do chores (I also provide them with a list), play or school, I sit down and budget my time. The first thing is to make a list (I have them categorized). List everything except bathroom breaks. I even write down "clean the cat's litter box".
One of my lists looks like this:
- start laundry
- start dinner
- do dishes
- clean bath
- sweep
- cat litter
- Find pictures for project
Self and Health:
- Make appt. for spot on nose
- exercise
- take nap
TFA (My business):
- cash check
- check balance
- call ----------
- pick up flowers
- put flowers in water
Garden Club:
- write e-mail
- Call art in bloom
Beautification Committee:
- Call fencing company
- Review scriptures from Sunday
Special Projects
- Compare insurance for car
- do pictures
- finish painting bathroom
- organize and clean top pantry
Sometimes I put more than I think I can do in one day. Then prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Just number them from most important to least- 1, 2, 3 etc.. Do the most important ones first then draw a line through each one as you finish it. I usually finish everything except the special projects. Those are mostly non-pressing. Having everything on paper and in front of you will help you focus. Drawing a line through each item will give you a sense of accomplishment and order.
Sometimes I still say, "Sorry, I just do not have the time." Knowing when to say this is just as important. But don't let time slip away from you because of neglect. You can't get it back. It's absolutely your most valuable commodity. Crack that whip! Get along little minutes, get along!
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