I'm working on my very own little classical trio here. When I get old they can roll their eyes at me while I clap and admonish them to play for everyone that little piece I love so much! Wait, I do that now. I think they roll their eyes when I'm not looking.
Music is something I desire to give to my children. It's something that can be appreciated, admired and used at any age. It's not always desirable to give up the time and cash it takes to make this possible....but nights like this make it worth it.
Congratulations my girls and thanks to their wonderful teachers!
She didn't bribe me....but i better get more pear butter come fall next year......and throw in some other garden goodies, and they just might take first and best of show next year...wink, wink
aka Laura ingals
2/2/10 13:45 hrs.
Sister Kristi,
I just read your blog and im shocked at how much the kids have grown!Im also so proud of them for their musical talent,but then,music is in there DNA,so no suprise there.I also see from Mrs.Riya's blog that Jenna is pretty talented on the fiddle as well,maybe the next time im down there,they can play a duet of Blue Kentucky Girl for me.Tell Byron that the backpacking on the AT in the Smokies is the way to go,got up close and personal with a bear and 2 cubs last trip,35mi point to point.Any way,love all y'all,miss all y'all,please keep me in prayer.
Hey Kris,
Your girls did great! I love watching Sess's little fingers play the piano, Tally's dramatic flare, and T-a's amazing talent!
PS: If OwlCritic is the Jimmy I think he is could ya please call me! I've been thinking about you lately and miss you a bunch.
great job girl's love carmencita
Kristi the girls are so pretty. I love that they are playing music. It is such a wonderful investment and you and they will never be sorry in the future.
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