Then I stagger to the uniforms, stagger to the girls room, throw the uniforms at them, and then stagger to the sofa where I collapse until the girls emerge at 6:20. By then I'm a little more awake....just a little more awake....this is all to explain why I didn't get a picture of the lake in my front yard before the pumps caught up....four inches of rain in 90 minutes. We were the lucky ones. Other areas received 12 inches of rain in as much time! It's spring.
The pumps are capable of pumping out an inch an hour, so when it rains like this the pumping stations can't keep up. My home is built close to the Mississippi River on a natural levee. During Katrina I didn't get flood water even when my neighbors closer to the highway but further from the river did. This was the opposite of what all of the neighbors thought would happen.
Anyway....this is expected to go one for most of this weekend. If the lake happens again I'll take a pic. There I am right at the toe of the Louisiana boot south of New Orleans. See me?

I also had a lake in my yard....I was praying that our wonderful(yea right) parish president gave the word to turn on the pumps....sometimes he forgets to do that....anyway all is well the pumps were on and they did catch up....when Bill looked out this morning, there was about 5 inches left before it would have come in the front door...oh boy!!
Cant wait to see Tera in her new skirt Sunday....I like your new picture
see ya
I made a skirt from that same book with a zipper. I did it in no time at all. I could have improved a bit but not bad for the first time.
Hey...I had a lake in my back side yard, too. It was huge. In fact it is still there although it has went down some. The funny thing was there was some wild ducks swimming in it this morning having a wonderful time. The thunder and lightening was horrific last night and kept me up a good bit of the night running to check on the kids. At one point it was me, Keith, Avery, and Kassidy all in a full size bed. Poor Keith!
a) good idea ... stay away from the water moccasins!
b) LOVE the fabric!
c) I totally hear you on zippers. to this DAY i have never dealt with a zipper -- and i've made a lot of stuff. tell us how it goes.
oh yeah,
d) LOVE LOVE LOVE your banner picture!
Sister kristi that awsome u are make in tera a skirt wow! I know u made the baby's skirt's could u make me one I will where it everday =) Because I know u will make a great skirt will I see u sunday love carmencita oh my dearling could u bring me so egg's sunday and that jam recip =) love u
I love love love LOVE LOOOOVE that book! It's right up there with Ottobre! ;) Good luck with the zipper. I despise zippers. I've never moved beyond sewing a plain old rectangle around them. I am lame, I'll just admit it. I made a pencil skirt for one of the 20-something girls at church with an invisible zipper and it went fairly well so maybe someday I'll advance. Sis. Libby took a zipper class once. I need to get all Titus 2 with her and glean some zipper wisdom.
that fabric is SO so cute! my daughter would LOVE a skirt from that.
Kristi, even i'm not afraid of zippers! if i can do them, YOU can do them--don't fear the zipper . . . (sing that to the old song, "Don't fear the reaper!")
it's all raining and nasty here, but at least there's no lake.
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