When I walk out of the front door I remember the seedlings need to be transplanted....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Around The House and Gardens
Today is Tera's birthday, and this weekend I have a wedding (I'm an event florist.). Today is going to be a very busy day. First things first, wake at 5:30 and put the chicken on to boil. On their birthdays the girls get to plan the menu and invite the dinner guests. So tonight as Tera has dictated, we're going to have chicken pot pie, with salad (fresh picked from the garden with beets, radishes, and carrots), and Oreo ice cream cake. The guests will be Maw Maw and Paw Paw Rivero, Maw Maw and Paw Paw Martin, Olivia, Mom and Dad, and Sisters. Now to get the rest done....
When I walk out of the front door I remember the seedlings need to be transplanted....
Pick the harvest. This cabbage has been needing picking, and with the warm weather approaching this weekend, I better go ahead and bring it in. There's a basket full of Asian red lettuce in the back as well as the reseeded volunteer head of lettuce from last year in the front, a large Dutch Wakefield cabbage, Daikon radishes (They get much bigger than these. My sister Terri picked a large one from her garden thinking it was a white carrot and got a very spicy surprise when she chomped down.), and some thinned baby turnips. Everything is beautiful without hardly the tiniest bug bite on them. I'm so so pleased. Maybe next year will be different, but this year's just delightful.
This is the trellis Byron made for my blackberries. He cut down some small trees to use as posts and stakes. The wire is fencing wire. Hopefully it will last a very long time. There are two wire stretched across the length. I only planted three plants, but I plan on rooting the longer canes that develop.
Now here are the potato towers. Not sure how this is going to turn out, but I will report. They are filled with leaves, grass clippings, and compost. The potatoes are planted in this mix. As the potatoes grow, you add more compost leaves and clippings. When the potatoes are ready, you open up the tower and remove the potatoes. As leftovers, you have wonderful compost to boot. One video said you can harvest 10 to 20 pounds of potatoes per tower. I plan on having 10 towers if I'm successful.
When I walk out of the front door I remember the seedlings need to be transplanted....
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Happy Birtday, Tera! I remember your "Birth" day! I was your proudest aunt. Love, aunt terri
I love seeing your garden-and the bounty you get from it! I have wild blackberries growing all around my house so I don't have to worry about them-but I never have much luck with my potatoes-I may give your idea a try-sure couldn't hurt to do a few. I hope the B-day was a happy one for her!
I dont know Terri, there were a lot of proud aunts there that day.....Hope your day was special Tera....I was hoping you were having another sleep over...we had so much fun the last one...hehe
Kristi here is a link you may enjoy....I saw this on someone's blog, she is such a cute little old lady....
Love Ya
Hey! Just you wait a minute! I WAS THE PROUDEST AUNT! I am sure of this because I have it documented in my journal. Hope your birthday was marvelous Tera. I love you - my little accounting assistant.
hey!! tera I hope u had the best birthday ever love ya!!! hey sister kirsti I love the veggies u grew it's looks yemmy and nutritious lol love carmencita
I love that you do the same thing we have always done on birthdays. The kids always picked the dinner and dessert and we always had family (grandparents and cousins, aunts and uncles) over. Best memories ever! I am loving your veggies. So delicious looking.
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