After evaluating what we have done in the last year....something kept repeating itself: "and Byron built me this....and Byron built me that....Byron did this...."
Please allow me just a moment to sing my husband's praises. He deserves it. Whenever I ask him, "ooooo....Byron could you build me one of those?" he always says yes....and then he does. He does all this while working a demanding full time job. O.K. all together now!:
Luv ya Babes!
Now for the gallery of Byron's creations:
Here is just a few of all the trees Byron planted this year. It includes about 14 citrus, 4 pecans, 2 persimmons, 6 mulberries, 4 pear, 2 plums not to mention all the shrubs and perennials he dug holes for!
And this is my lovely log bench overlooking the veggie garden Byron created using a chain saw from a huge pecan tree that fell during Katrina. May I present my husband, Byron the chain saw artist, builder, and planter extraordinaire!
Without Byron, I'd probably still be gardening in five gallon buckets. Thank you Byron.
Let's hear it for handsome, hard-working, handy-man, God-Honoring hubbys!!!
I have one too = )
I totally enjoyed sharing in your happiness of Byron!!
ps...I love the dresses Talia and Seleste have on in the blueberry picture...did you make them?
Way to go Byron...way to go....clap clap!!!
P.S. we had fun visiting the other evening. Keep us posted on your latest cooking projcts so we'll know when to stop by again! just kidding, but I really did enjoy the hog's head cheese you made.
great job! Mr.Byron bear
Hi Pony, Thanks for sharing my joy. No I didn't make the dresses. Maybe one day. They are Hannah Andersen dresses my sister found at a thrift store for a couple of dollars a piece. They were in perfect condition.
You are one very lucky lady to have a husband that not only can build those things for you but wants to and then does it. I agree! Byron is the man! I love the picture of him and the girls. Lovely family you have Kristi.
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