I'm still getting better from a virus that has kept me in bed for four days.....four days....and so much to do in the garden.....

Phase two of the potager garden is finished. The last phase, the pergola and sitting area, will probably have to wait until next year.

These are the last of the eight long beds Byron built recently. He barely has time to finish filling them before I'm on his heels planting the more than ready transplants.

Here are the cardboard covered paths. I'm going to layer it with a little more cardboard before covering it with the 30 bales of pine straw I ordered. Notice how beautiful the corn is. I've also collected a lot of seed from my winter plants and will be pulling them up soon.

This is something new I am trying this year. Potato towers. So far they are growing nicely.

O.K. now grow little plant, Grow!
wow sister kirsti your garden comeing out great keep up the good work love carmencita I hope u feel butter =]
prayers to you. hope you are feeling better. Blessings
I see your onions in the background. They're looking like my onions!
Maybe you can tell me when to pull them up? I've never had onions do well (like they are this year) so I could use some advice.
I keep meaning to look it up in one of my many garden books but it'd be nice hearing it from you since we live in the same zone and similar climate...I'm in Houston.
My mom and I were talking about your garden tonight...just beautiful!! Thanks for sharing with us = )
I should have some updated garden pics on my blog soon...too busy planting flowers right now...hahaha
Poney and Petey, Thanks so much for all your compliments. Tell your Mom too! I can't wait to see the pics of your garden. There is so much more I need to learn about growing onions...and gardening for that matter! I'll keep you updated on how they grow.
Those raised beds are wonderful. I love how your garden is turning out. I hope you are feeling a bit better by now.
Hey Kristi! Glad to see your potato towers are plugging along. I took your advice and made some of my own. I've just planted about five so far. But I have to tell you that my Portuguese husband (they must be second in potatoes only to Ireland!) is kinda snickering at me -- teasing "if my father could see this . . . " etc., etc. He thinks I'm nuts. Now that your greens are showing, will you soon add on more compost / mulch? And when you do that, will you cover up the greens completely, or just the stem part? Do tell -- I'll never survive the teasing storm if my potatoes don't succeed! :)
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