Talia is extremely slender and has a high metabolism. I was very worried about her dehydrating, but she even pulled through fine with her skinny little self.
Seleste suffered in resigned silence, but not Talia. On the first day she loudly moaned continuously. When my frayed nerves took as much as they could, I asked her not too politely to please please stop the continual moaning. She informed me vehemently that, "I'm sick! What else do you want me to do!" Argggh! Talia will not suffer in silence. If she's sick you can bet everyone will know! In another week I hope this will all be a memory.
Leaving the house was mostly impossible during that time. In between washing sheets, mopping and cleaning up, I managed to get some of my ironing done. It now costs $2.95 at our local cleaners to have my husbands shirts laundered, so I quit bringing them and do them myself. One more way to trim costs.
Wow Kristi it sounds like you need a vacation. I am glad to hear everyone is on the mend. Now if you can keep from coming down with that wicked stuff. So sorry for the wasp stings....sounds like a terrible week. Take care of yourself. Oh and the bread looks wonderful.
My word Kristi! I did not realize that you were going through all of that. We have been blessed so far with no swine flu. However Avery is coming down with a snotty nose and a cough. So far he feels good and dosen't have fever (although he's desperately hoping he comes down with the flu so that he can miss school). Anyway, I'm glad you all are feeling better.
I am glad your all better and my sweetie pies my girls and i see u on sunday and friday have a great day love carmencita
hey kristi, I have been enjoying your blog. you definitely have made me step back and appreciate the things i have. I finally made edible bread. it was so good. keep up the good work.
love and miss you
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