When King Cakes start appearing....

and fig trees begin to show the tiniest points of green...

and hard green plums appear on the Loquats...

and the Japanese Magnolia puts out it's tentative blossoms...

even a few citrus trees are forming their heady luscious fragrant blossoms...

and the Mulberries are unfurling the beginnings of their large leaves...

Spring is here in Louisiana....but.....

everyone knows that until the tall reserved pecans bud green you can't be sure the warm weather is here to stay.
I have also heard that when you see a robin red breast on the neutral ground, then spring is here.....hehe (only in New Orleans)
I stumbled across this blog via La Gringa. Wow! I love your pictures! And I am from New Orleans. The fig pic gave me a bit of homesickness. I definitely am going to be a follower of this beautiful blog.
Yes I am seeing the very first little green leaf buds on some of the bushes and my weeping pussywillow has a few little fuzzy friends now. Spring is coming. What is a king cake?
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