Here are some pictures of the village in the Havasupai Indian Reservation. There are no cars or any roads for cars. The only way into the village is to hike in, ride in on a mule or horse, or take a helicopter in. There are several four wheelers for the rangers and electric cars for their police department. I did observe and comment to Byron on the fact that the most remote village in the United States had electricity.
Most of the residents didn't seem to be in any hurry and most were friendly. They seemed to move along just as the meandering river did- at their own pace. Byron especially didn't like the long wait for breakfast at the cafe on the morning we left. He gripped about it for a while until I poked him and told him it really didn't matter if it came now or later, we didn't have anywhere pressing to go. What a unique feeling.
There also were no shouting signs to deal with. No "buy here!" or "cheapest this!" or "loosest slots in town!", just pure simplicity. One cafe, one small general store, and one post office. They did have two churches :D.
Just as I was perched on the top of a milk crate on the edge of the road waiting for the helicopter (same as the locals) reveling in the feeling of do nothing, another tourist had to pipe up with her well meant opinion. "Someone really needs to come in here and show them there's a better way!" I assume she was referring to the small homes and lack of stuff. Give credit to me, I managed to keep my over eager mouth shut. What I was thinking was, "This is a better way." Although I'm sure their village has it's problems, they are not prisoners. If they want the traditional American life they can join it the same as you and I.
we were there from the 20th thru 22nd. This was the second time for me to hike/camp Havasupai. is the imagined paradise come real. It is really wonderful.
Sad the lady didn't understand. I wonder why she took the initiative to venture into this wonderland with the result of a comment like that. It doesn't make sense.
inians awsome
Very interesting. I agree....they do have the better way.
I am glad you had fun! I am gald you are back!! love carmencita
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