The challenge of organic gardening is the bugs and caterpillars. Ughhh!!! Stinkbugs. The battle has begun in earnest now. Currently I am dusting the tomato plants with diatomaceous earth. It is ground sea creature shells. The dust is harmless to animals and humans, but when it comes into contact with the exo-skeleton of insects it's sharp edges cut them and they essentially bleed to death. A very gruesome death for an insect. Really though you ought to see how gruesome some of my tomatoes look right now.
There's nothing to do for the hornworms except to pick them off. I heard chickens love them. My chickens aren't so sure. When I threw them into the coop, the chickens pecked around at them a little cocking their little heads side to side and peering at the curled hornworm with a beady eye. I'm sure LuLu thought, "She expects me to eat this ugly thing? Bring me some more bread or squash already!"
When I was a kid, my mom would pay my brothers and sister and I a quarter for each tomato worm we killed. We picked them off the plants with pliers and then stepped on them. It's the only chore she ever paid us for!
Here is the blog I was telling you about....I think you would like this one....also there is a link that says track a & J on the blog site ....that is their map.....Hope you are having a great time.....
while that's cool and I hope you are haveing fun and I miss and love you so I will love to she you put more pic's up of the Grand Canyon!!
I know what you mean about them there buggies. Sad to report, cabbage worms got my whole cabbage crop in one day! The poor things were only 6 inches high (cabbage). The next morning they were skeletons. I have so much to learn!
HOpe all is well with you and your family!
I have to admit the name stink bug has always creeped me out in my head. But the picture makes them look so cute....little evil devils.
So where do I get that stuff you put on the plants to kill those little creatures. I haven't put anything on my plants yet and I see a bunch of little holes. I have been waiting to see what you use. Thanks
You can get diatamaceous earth from double m feed. You must get it on the actual bug when it is dry. When it is wet it is ineffective. Planting at the right time, covering with small netting, and (gasp) handpicking are other ways to control pests.
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