This morning I cleaned and prepare three beds before the rain started again. Maybe some seeds will make it into the ground if the lightning stops. A little drizzle won't drive me in, but once the lightning starts only an emergency will keep me outside! Lightning scares me.
This is the plan for the early fall garden. As the okra, eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers finish, I'll add other veggies. Ooops, I forgot to make a space for garlic. I'll have to altar something.
Bed Number and Contents:
1. Snow Peas
2. Sugar Ann Peas
3. Okra (Vidrine)
4. Wando Peas
5. Sugar Snap Peas
6. Lincoln Peas
8. Cabbage: Late Flat Dutch, Mammoth Red Rock, Henderson's Charleston Wakefield, Nero Di Toscana (Black Palm Tree), Bacalan De Rennes, Bok Choy
9. & 10. Calendula-Pacific Beauty, Nasturtiums-Dwarf Jewel Mix, Cosmos-Sensation Mix, Bachelor Buttons-Tall Mix, Poppy-Frosted Salmon
11. Tomatoes
12. Mississippi Silver Hulls
13. Pumpkin-Cushaw White, Beets-Bulls Blood, Crapudine, Detroit Red
14. Onions-Red Creole, Australian Brown, Granex Yellow (Hybrid),Bronze D'Ampasta, Gold Princess, Early Texas Grano
15. Greens: Collards-Georgia Southern, Mustard-Southern Giant Curly, Japanese Giant Red Mustard.
16. Leek-Bleu of Solanaise, Parsnips-Harris Model, Swiss Chard-Oriole Orange, Five Color Silver beet
17. Turnips-Boule D' Or, Golden Globe, Purple Top White Glove, Oriental Greens-Thai Mix, Spinach-New Zealand, Merlo Nero
18. Eggplant (to be removed later)
19. Lettuce-Arugula, Chadwicks Rodan, De Meaux (Endive), European Musclun Mix, Tom Thumb
20. Brussel Sprouts- Long Island Improved, Cauliflower-Romanesco Precoce, Rutabaga-American Purple Top
21. Peppers (to be removed later)
Red Potatoes are to planted in wire towers using the hay method
Radishes to be planted where space is found
Sweet Pea flowers (Black Knight and Old Spice) are to planted on trellises in beds 16 and 17