Calls home were filled with bad news...Mom-In-Law,"Oh, your garden looks terrible....I had Victor cut back all the vines around the edges and it looks a little better....but nooothing and I mean nuhhh-thing is are going to be so disappointed......blah, blah...the buuuugs are sucking everything dry and the buuhhgs...blah, blah, etc..." Me, "Well, we're having fun."
When I did see the garden, I was wondering if I accidentally planted Kudzu instead of Asian Long beans, and the weeds had grown as aggressively as every. Upon closer inspection I did learn that it was indeed long beans not it's Asian cousin. They have taken over it's corner of the garden and really isn't producing anything. I'll give it a little more time....but the melons!
Melons love heat. All of the melons are doing great. There are a few eggplants developing, and the peppers are producing like crazy. I have bells, pimentos, and chilies. Some pumkin vines are growing nicely and should produce pumpkins in time for fall.
Here is Tera holding a huge banana melon she grew.