Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
How To Make A Fabric Flower
Isn't it ironic that I didn't realize I took a picture of the pin in front a a picture of Low Dog an Ogalala Souix Native American. The conference is in Natchez. Natchez is named after the Natchez native Americans who were totally massacred and annihilated by the French during colonial times. I'm fascinated by Native Americans and tend to collect pictures and books about them. Oh well...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Color has fascinated me since the time at a young age I resisted the urge to squish all my big sister's acrylics from their tube prisons. Oh what a joy it would have been to watch all that luscious color squirm to freedom and smash and smear itself over every surface in the way. I had to content myself with perching as close as I could and watching my sister paint.
Colorful zinnias find their way to my garden every year. Either I plant them or they reseed. Fresh cut bundles of them allow me to enjoy their vibrant colors all the long summer long! Their color and other aspects of my garden provide the inspiration for most of my decor.
I love the way my house feels like an extension or just another part of my garden. I painted my coffee table myself several years ago and haven't tired of it yet. Nor do I ever expect to. Simply because it is inspired by those things I love. Here's another view. As you can see, I am not afraid of, but embrace color. Love it!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Talia is extremely slender and has a high metabolism. I was very worried about her dehydrating, but she even pulled through fine with her skinny little self.
Seleste suffered in resigned silence, but not Talia. On the first day she loudly moaned continuously. When my frayed nerves took as much as they could, I asked her not too politely to please please stop the continual moaning. She informed me vehemently that, "I'm sick! What else do you want me to do!" Argggh! Talia will not suffer in silence. If she's sick you can bet everyone will know! In another week I hope this will all be a memory.
Leaving the house was mostly impossible during that time. In between washing sheets, mopping and cleaning up, I managed to get some of my ironing done. It now costs $2.95 at our local cleaners to have my husbands shirts laundered, so I quit bringing them and do them myself. One more way to trim costs.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Around The House And Garrdens - Melons
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Canning Pears and Making Pear Vinegar
Maybe I can entice everyone to come out again with the promise of a pantry full of pumpkin pie pear butter, pear jam and pear preserves! The trees are still dripping with fruit. Enough for all of us and plenty left over to share with the chickens and wildlife.
Here's a picture of our day's worth of canning. I think we'll go a lot faster next time since we've worked out the kinks.