Thursday, July 31, 2008
Around the House and Garden
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Seeds and Tomato Trials
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My First Blog Award!!

Hanging Out the Clothes
My children mostly enjoy doing these chores. Especially if it's new and novel to them. Like hanging clothes to dry, planting seeds, cracking the eggs to scramble, following a recipe, measuring things, mopping....of course age appropriate chores. It's educational and builds their confidence in who and what they are and what they are capable of. I believe children miss out on a lot of growth and happiness when parents do or have every thing done for them.
Here is Seleste hanging clothes to dry. I snuck up behind her and took this picture. She was having such fun.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
BBQ Shrimp
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Let me introduce you to a few of our chickens.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Canning Fig Jam
Wash figs and drain. Cover figs with boiling water. Let set for 10 minutes. Drain. Cut off stems off and quarter figs. Place quartered figs in large pot. Add sugar, water and lemon juice. Cook on high stirring constantly until mixture reaches gelling point (when mixture clumps or sheets as it drops from the spoon it is ready). The mixture will also get more difficult to stir. Reaching gelling point takes a long time. Turn off heat.
Fill jars one at a time leaving 1/4 inch headroom. Wipe rim clean put lid and band on jar. Set to side and fill next jar. When finished filling jars, place jars in pot of boiling water (enough water to cover tops of jars). Process jam filled jars in boiling water for 15 minutes. Remove and allow to cool. You will hear the tops "pop" as they seal. Yummy.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Around the House and Garden and The Fuel Spill
This is "moon and stars" watermelon. I have quite a few of them growing nicely.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Frugal Banana Bread
Yesterday was a practice in frugality in our household. Eating all leftovers, making banana nut bread.... One important aspect of making your money go further is not wasting anything. I read that 27% of food in America is wasted (One Country's Table Scraps, Another Country's Meal). Here is a blog that tracks the wasted food problem - Wasted Food.It doesn't make sense to throw out perfectly good food when it can be used for other purposes.
If you are keeping in line with the general trend, you could possibly save 27% on your grocery bill. Being organized and knowing what ingredients you have on hand and when they go bad can keep you from making repeat or impulse purchases at the market. If you know what you have, you might even drive past that fast food restaurant. Creating other savings---hmmm?
One mantra I tell my girls is, "You can always get more, but you can't put it back." I start them off with a small amount of food, milk or juice (about an inch for liquids). This prevents having to pour expensive organic milk or juice down the drain. It might even teach them appropriate serving size and prevent obesity.
Also, we eat leftovers. They're good! We have many recipes to re-invent leftovers: eggs and rice, crawfish velvet soup (you use all the leftovers from a crawfish boil and it's to die for), chicken pot pie, sandwiches, salads...the options are as big as your imagination. Any inedible vegetable scraps get put aside for the chickens. I also give my dog appropriate scraps (She even likes lima beans scraps).
Then there is the ever wonderful Banana Nut Bread. The perfect yummy way to make use of rotting bananas. These loaves were made from 5 large rotting bananas, eggs from my hens and pecans from my back yard (shelled and put in the freezer last winter). Hopefully I will make my own butter from my own cow in the future :)! It was so delicious. Today I enjoyed a chunk with my morning coffee. Mmmmmm.. The Banana Nut Grand Canyon
Wish I could share it with you, but since I can't, here's the recipe.
Recipe: Banana Nut Bread
1 c. sugar
1 stick of butter
2 eggs
3 very ripe bananas
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 c. flour
1/2 c. chopped nuts (I use a lot of extra)
Cream butter, eggs and banana. In separate bowl, mix salt, baking soda, flour and sugar. While beating, add flour mixture slowly. Beat two minutes more. Stir in nuts. Put batter in greased bread pan and bake at 350 degrees for one hour or until fork comes out clean.
Recipe: Leftover Rice and Eggs
Fry several eggs over easy and set aside. Fry rice in a little butter until slightly crispy. Throw eggs into rice, bust the yolks. Stir fry quickly and remove from heat. Salt and pepper to taste. This is a very old Cajun breakfast recipe to make use of leftover rice. They also have a "lost bread recipe" which is really just french toast made from stale bread. Bread pudding is also a Cajun recipe to make use of stale bread.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
W-O-R-K Work - The new old ugly word!
Those who care, have taken advantage of the help offered by government and friends, rolled up their sleeves and went to W-O-R-K!!!! There in no excuse except age, feeble mindedness or sickness for someone in this area not to be on their feet and in their homes again. Protecting the wet-lands is a whole other post.
Certain areas of the city look just as they did after the storm. The tour guides are still making money trucking big eyed tourist through these neighborhoods. Truthfully, these neighborhoods didn't look much better before the storm. There are still vacant houses everywhere. Yet tucked away among these sad little abandoned cottages are bright rebuilt homes.
I'm tired of catering to the complainers. They spend their time in the comfort of other cities whining about how "they can't come home" because "their neighborhoods are still destroyed" . Are they waiting for us to do their work??? Keep waiting. Because, I'm not. I will help someone who is trying to help themselves. I have shoveled the mud out of more than one house.
When will common sense over emotions ever make a comeback in our nation? The solution is really simple. Three years is sufficient time to make up your mind. Allow those who wish to salvage what they will from the abandoned homes and bring in the bull dozers. I'm tired of looking at the monuments to complainers. I'm also tired of politicians who bow to the vote of these people. I would say they abandon sound reasoning, but I am beginning to think they weren't capable of sound reasoning in the first place. Suffering fools is difficult - sigh.
My post has turned into a rant when I intended on posting about "salvaging memories". So here's my original thought:
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sewing Project Numero Dos
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Around the House and Garden
Here is another view of the luffa sponge vine. See how large the fruit is getting. When I was gone my mother-in- law picked quite of a few of these while wondering, "Why did she plant cucumbers on the chicken coop?" Luckily after a few she realized they weren't cucumbers and stopped. The chickens did enjoy eating her error though. Luffa is also called okra squash, and if picked around 8 inches long you can peel, slice batter and fry. It is supposed to taste somewhat like okra. I haven't tried this yet. I grow them for shade and luffas!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Making expensive stuff the cheap way!
Hannah Anderson and Oilily have two of my most favorite children's clothing lines. When in D.C. visiting my sister we went to Tyson's Corner and peeked into these shops. I did buy Seleste a dress from Hannah Anderson's that was on sale and had to summon up every bit of self control to resist buying two other dresses at full price for Seleste and Talia. Way too expensive. A tiny little skirt from Oilily costs $100.00 or more. Eeeeek! You really need a Hollywood salary to afford that.
So what's the alternative? Make-em yerself honey! And that's what I am going to attempt to do. For the first project, I let Seleste and Talia pick out their own fabric (Talia - Left, Seleste - Right). As you can see they like pink!! Good thing, so do I. I've never been afraid of color and adore tons of it around. If I succeed with the basic skirt then I'll try adding all the tulle, fluff and stuff.
I've also been crocheting dish rags again lately. Hours in the car contributed to this! I used a smaller thread and had fun with the colors. As you can see I have been experimenting with some new stitches. Don't you just love the lacy flouncy look the shell pattern gives the purple cloth. The table is one I painted quite a few years ago. It started life as a cheap unfinished coffee table. Now look how it has moved up in the world. I'm painting the living room ceiling with a sky to match it. That's another one of my unfinished projects (about 2/3rds done) that will be finished this summer.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bedroom Decorating Project
See the little bear table peeking out beside the chair? That's a tribute to Byron. He loves bears and moose. The table brings in the bears without looking rocky mountain cabinish. I simply adore the framed embroidered corals from Tuesday morning. I also bought the rug there. The pink boxes underneath the dresser contain photos. I love to use boxes and baskets underneath things for storage and to disguise clutter. We have five people living in a 1650 square foot house so we must make each inch count.