The whole Saturday before Easter Seleste and Talia busied themselves with Easter preparations. Trying on their new Easter finery, hats and gloves included. Conferring on how exactly they should fix their hair. Talia knew hers must be curled and Seleste decided a plain braid would be fine in order to keep her very long hair from getting in the way while hunting eggs. Hunting eggs!!! This always brings up a favorite pre-Easter topic of theirs. Those boys! Those boys referring to my sisters' sons, Jacob, Brennen, Michael and Gene. But mainly that scandalous Brennen.
They clucked about the house gripping about all the horrid things those boys do. Like hiding the Easter eggs on top of enormous red ant hills and putting them in ridiculously high places encouraging small children to hop fruitlessly then employ the shoulders of a taller uncle or aunt to retrieve the egg, or the time Brennen dyed an egg brown then wrote on it, "Do not eat! Gone down toilet!" Terribly disgusting in the girls opinion.
Seleste and Talia especially like to bend the ear of their sympathetic Maw Maw Rivero. Telling her their stories of Easter woes caused by
those boys. Maw Maw loves to call and inform me to, "Tell those boys not to be hiding eggs in ant hills and up too high, and they better not break Seleste's eggs. She worked so hard on them." While large eyed nodding little girls look at me in hopes of additional sympathy for their Easter plight.
True to their worries, we again had a scandalous Easter. Those boys hid the eggs in high places, and Brennen again made "disgusting" eggs. What are two little girls to do in order to have a proper pastel and sweet Easter? Sad. Sad.

Egg hidden in tree. Oh the horrors.

And up on the balcony! They know we can't reach that!

I wouldn't dare eat an egg Brennen dyed anyway! You never know what might have been done to it!

Just disgusting. The sumo wrestler egg.

Now why can't all of Easter be like this? Seleste's sweet little puppy dog egg.